Friday, 27 January 2012

Competitions A Plenty For All Chefs

COTY Unilever Chef of the Year
A prestigious Chefs Competition that is run annually, it highlights the best talent that South African Chefs have to offer. Winning chefs throughout different categories win various cash prizes. Enries close 13 July 2012. The competition starts: 31 July in Kwazulu Natal, 1 August in Johannesburg and the 3rd of August in Cape Town.

City and Guilds Skills Challenge

A annual Student competition aimed at all City & Guilds SACA registered training providers. It is a competition that challenges students to the basics – Knife skills, deboning fish, butchery, etc. The winning school receives the floating trophy and R5000 cash. This is at Hostex 2012 from 15 to 17 May. Enquiries:

McCain Tribute to Good Taste
Aimed at young chefs, whom must create innovative vegetarian menus using as many McCain products as possible.  The winning chef receives a cash prize of R7500 and a floating trophy.  This is at Hostex 2012 from 15 to 17 May.  For more information:

Nestlé Golden Chefs Hat
A very prestigious competition which Nestlé runs around the world aimed at apprentice chefs. In which finalists will use Nestlé professional products in a mystery basket. Cash prize is R10 000 to each winning participant and a trip overseas. This is at Hostex 2012 from 15 to 17 May.

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